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News Item Details

Enter your news item as text. You can copy and paste graphics, and apply formatting and color.

Linked Graphic


This shows at the top of each news item when it's displayed.


Whether this item is shown to signed-in users or everyone on the main kiosk screen.

First date shown

If not blank, the news item won't be shown before this date.

Last date shown

If not blank, the news item won't be shown after this date.


If one or more languages are specified here, this item will display only when the kiosk is currently set to a language which is checked on this list.

Display count

How many times each registered volunteer will see this message.

Force this item to show...

When checked, the volunteer cannot leave the screen this message is showing on for the given number of seconds - great for getting the attention of people who just run right past your messages.

See Also

Kiosk News