VSys Live Settings

Open up the VSys Live settings tool with the VSys Live settings link on the VSys Live panel.

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Organization name

The primary name of your organization, this is used in several places within VSys Live.

Browser title

Shows in the volunteer's browser's title bar.




Enable Checkin

Enables volunteers to check in for their jobs via the web.

Required statuses, types, groups

Only volunteers matching all of these criteria will be allowed to do self-checkin for their jobs via VSys Live.

For someone checked-in for an assignment

These define how late after a volunteer's assignment VSys Live automatically checks them out if they have not checked out on their own, along with the rules for how many hours the volunteer is credited with if VSys Live does the checkout by itself.


Enable hours entry

Allows volunteers to enter their own hours directly without having to check in and out for an assignment.

Required statuses, types, groups

Only volunteers matching all of these criteria will be allowed to do manual hours entry via VSys Live.

Newly-posted hours require approval

If this is checked, hours that the volunteer enters manually are not immediately credited to their account. Instead, you'll need to use the Process Downloaded Hours tool to approve/disapprove the hours.

Maximum self-entered duration

A value entered here limits the volunteer to this many hours at one time. Note that you can enter this value within the definition of individual jobs, and those values will override the value here when that job is selected.


Enable job assignment selection

Allow filtering on project, job group, location, geographic proximity

These define the tools that volunteers can use to self-select jobs. Note that enabling filtering by project disables filters by job group and location.

Required statuses, types, groups

Only volunteers matching all of these criteria will be allowed to self-select jobs via VSys Live.

Status given to new self-selected assignments

Pending approval or Normal. If you select Pending approval, you can easily see newly self-selected jobs in the View/edit job assignments tool and then individually approve or reject assignments that volunteers have chosen for themselves.


Prompts and display values

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The fields here show as instructions on the corresponding VSys Live screens. There are a few exceptions:

New account e-mail subject

For a newly-created volunteer account, this is the subject line for the e-mail that VSys Live sends.

New account e-mail body

For new account e-mails, this is the body of the e-mail. There is one special field available here:


When the e-mail is sent, this will be replaced with the volunteer's e-mail address.


Reset password e-mail subject

When a volunteer resets their password, this is the subject line for the e-mail VSys Live sends.

Password reset e-mail body

For password reset e-mails, this is the body of the e-mail. It's important to include two special values here:


When the e-mail is sent, this will be replaced with the volunteer's e-mail address.


This will be replaced with the volunteer's new password.


About us

Shows on the "About us" page in VSys Live.

About us (short)

Shows below the calendar on the main VSys Live screen.


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Any text you enter here will be inserted into every web page generated by VSys Live. This lets you override the CSS of that page, replacing colors, backgrounds, images, etc. with your own.