User Roles and Responsibilities


Your organization needs to have a person designated as the VSys administrator. This person will set up and manage the following tasks in VSys:

The Administrator tools and Setup panels in VSys are where most of these special tasks are clustered.

Project Manager/Coordinator

Project managers/coordinators are responsible for setting up project-specific data. A project could be an event that your organization is running, or it could be an ongoing operation. At a minimum, the project manager/coordinator needs to establish the following in advance:

Data Entry

Data entry users are responsible for manually entering all of the information about volunteers, such as the following:

These users will also:

Volunteer Screener

Depending on your organization, the volunteer screener may perform these tasks independently, or along with one of the other roles in VSys:

This is the only person who will normally use the background check decryption key, and is, therefore, able to access encrypted background check data.