We can search for people by address, phone, or e-mail by clicking on the Address, phone, e-mail link on the left of the screen.
Entering a phone number or e-mail address will find people who have a phone number or e-mail address beginning with the text you enter. You'll need to type in at least four characters for the search to work.
Putting in a Postal code (zip code in the US) brings up all people with an address in that postal code.
State/province, combined optionally with City/town will bring up all people in that state, optionally only those in the given city in that state. Note that City/town cannot be used by itself - State/province must be entered if City/town is included.
Street name brings up all people with that street name. State/province must be entered with Street name.
A person will be shown if he meets one or more of these criteria.
Some of these searches require that the address table be updated to a more recent format. Make sure that you run the Index Rebuild tool once per week (or more often if your data is also updated by GMS) to ensure that these lookups work as expected.