Letters Purge Tool


VSys retains all of your volunteer communication records indefinitely, even kiosk greetings and assignment reminders. After a few years this becomes a lot of data that you may not need anymore. The Letters Purge tool lets you selectively delete old communications that you don't care about anymore.

When to use

Steps in this task

  1. Click on the Letters purge tool link from the Administrator tools panel.
    Linked Graphic
  2. Enter your criteria: Letter types, Letter templates, Statuses, Methods and dates.
  3. Optionally check Only those letters past their retention date to only show messages which have a retention period specified in their properties.
  4. Click Get letters. VSys will bring up the letters which meet the criteria you've specified, or show you a message saying that your criteria did not match any letters.
  5. Select which - if any - of the letters you want to purge by checking them on the list. Use the right-click option Select to check/un-check letters in bulk.
  6. Click Delete selected letters. VSys will prompt you to verify that this is what you want to do and show you the count of letters to be purged.
    Linked Graphic
  7. Click on Delete to permanently remove these letters.

Right-click tools


Edits this letter.


Opens this letter in read-only mode.

View as

Views this letter as HTML or plain text.


Prints just this letter.



Brings up the details about the letter, including template, date merged, date sent, methods, etc.

View activity log

Shows when the letter has been merged, saved, printed, and mailed.

Tracing log

Shows who has modified or viewed this letter and when.


Edit letter's recipient

Edits the person who received this letter.


Checks or un-checks the displayed letters depending on the link you click here (By status, All, None or Reverse).

Selected letters


Combines all of the selected (checked) letters together and prints.


Combines all of the selected (checked) letters together saves them as a single file in RTF or HTML format.