Directory listings reports are designed to produce a printed "phone book" of volunteers and other people. They work sort of like a mail merge: you define a template and VSys merges the people who meet your criteria into a single RTF file that you can then edit and print in Microsoft Word or another word processor.
When to use this report
To create a directory of your active volunteers or staff
Steps in this task
Click on the Directory listings link from the Reports panel.
Optionally click on the Edit template link to add, remove, or re-arrange fields in the listing that will be created. See Letter templates for how to use this tool.
Select a file to create: remember that VSys makes an RTF file here, not a printed document.
Choose how addresses are used.
Add any filters for the people to be included.
Select how the people should be sorted in the created file.
Click Run to run the report.
Use the links to open the file, e-mail it directly, or delete it. Opening the file brings it up in Microsoft Word if you have that installed on your machine.