If Mr. Velásquez had called to see what volunteer job opportunities were available, we could easily search the system to see what is available for him. Let’s say Mr. Velásquez wants to know what jobs are available on his days off this week.
Click on Find job opportunities on the Data entry panel. Set the Start date/time to 01/10/2011 12:00AM, and the End date/time to 01/17/2011 11:59PM. If he only wants to volunteer during the afternoon, enter more appropriate start and end times. Click on Search, and we would see what jobs are available. Sort the jobs by Job Group, Job, Start, Duration, Location, Slots and (number of people) Needed by clicking on the appropriate column.
To limit the jobs shown, you can filter on location, skills and job preferences, as well as only show jobs for which volunteers are still needed, and/or jobs where the location is designated as handicapped-accessible.
This search is only for reference: you can't assign people to jobs here. Do that from within Jobs/slots calendar tool or within his Profile Editor.
The way you enter dates and times may differ from the examples here if your system is configured to use different formatting conventions. These are configured in the Setup panel under System preferences.