People reports are used to report people. You can include all sorts of attributes, but it is a list of people.
When to use these reports
To create lists of contact information.
To summarize who the volunteers (people) are in your organization.
Steps in this task
From the VSys One main screen, open the Reports panel then click on People.
Select one of the pre-defined report layouts or one that you've previously saved.
Set your criteria: Groups, People types, Volunteer types.
Optionally filter people based on their having assignments by location, job, date and count.
To filter the report to only people on lists, check Only people on one or more lists, then select the lists to be included. A person will be included only if he's on any of the lists you choose.
Exclude archived, deceased and other statuses with the Exclude people who are filter.
Set your address criteria.
Set your sort criteria.
Choose the printer to send your report to, Screen, or any of the other special types.
Click the Print button.
After you've gotten your settings the way you want them, you may want to save this report's settings for future use by clicking on Save then As a new report.
People Report
A detailed row for every volunteer with name, gender, date of birth, type, volunteer type, group and additional groups, wheelchair, inactive, language, background check color & expiration date, restrictions, additional restrictions, address, comments and photo.