VSys One: Volunteer Management Software

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Training Courses Setup

Courses are actual classes teaching a specific subject at a given location and time. Courses are where you register students. Define training courses on the Setup panel under Training by clicking on Training courses.

Training course setup screen


Add a new course

Defines a new course.

Setup subjects

Create, edit and delete training subjects. If you have any un-saved changes to training courses here, you'll be prompted to save them before continuing.


Course reports

Reports based on the courses, not their students, though students can be included in the reports.

Rosters report

Reports on the people in courses.


By default, all upcoming courses show on this list. Use the filters at the top to change those criteria and list past courses, those within a specific date range, by subject, handicapped accessibility, location or whether the course still has openings for more students.

On the right-click menu

Right-click on a course on the list to modify that course or perform other actions.


Define a new course.

Edit course properties

Opens the course's properties (Start, Duration, Status, Description, etc.)

Copy this course

Copies the profile of the course to be edited as a new course, without any people. The status of this new course will be Pending.


Deletes this course. Deleting a course with students in it will cause VSys to prompt you whether to delete all of the training records of those students in this course, or to disconnect them from the course and leave all of the training records intact.

See this course's registrants

Opens up the course entrants list with the course's students. There you can edit, add, and delete entrants in this course.

In This Section

Training Course Properties

See Also


Training Subjects

Training Records

Training Course Registrants

Enrolling People in Training Courses

Training Manager

Bulk Trainings Creator