VSys One: Volunteer Management Software

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E-mail Attachments

VSys allows you to send file attachments with e-mails.
E-mail attachments setup screen showing attachment of latest newsletter

On the right-click menu

Add e-mail attachment

Creates a new attachment.


Opens this attachment in read-only mode.


Edits this attachment.

Make inactive

Marks the attachment as inactive, which means it won't be used in any new outgoing e-mails but is not deleted.


Deletes the attachment from the database, making it unavailable for future e-mails.

Add a new attachment

  1. From the Letters, mailing labels, e-mail panel, click on E-mail attachments under E-mails.
  2. Click on Add e-mail attachment.
  3. Enter the description for the attachment, along with the name the attachment should have when it's saved.
  4. Click Set attached file to find a file on your disk and Save it to the database.

After the attachment is defined, you can replace the file within (if you need to make edits), save it to a file elsewhere on your computer system, or have VSys try to open it.

Once an attachment is set up here, VSys no longer uses the file on your disk. Instead it works from the copy that it saved to its database. If you've made a change to your original file and want VSys to use the updated one, after editing the attachment click the Replace link to update it.

VSys will not let you include any attachments which appear to be Windows executable files, even if they don't have an .exe or .dll extension on them.

See Also

Setup Letter Types and Templates

Letter Templates

Letter Types

Letter Reply (RSVP) Statuses