VSys One: Volunteer Management Software

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Awards Type Rules

There are different bases (rules) which can be used for awards:




These are the simplest types of awards. VSys will not automatically nominate anyone for them. You must manually nominate them based on your own criteria. Example: "Most Friendly Volunteer".

Hours between two dates

Requires a minimum number of hours between the dates that you specify.

Lifetime hours

Requires a minimum number of hours credited over the volunteer's entire history.

Years with hours

A certain count of qualifying years is required. A year only counts if, during that year, the volunteer has at least the specified number of hours.

Months with hours

A count of qualifying months is required.

Years with active months

A certain number of qualifying years is required. A year only counts if, during that year, there are at least the specified number of months with volunteer hours.

Years since first activity (hours)

Counts the years since the volunteer's first credited volunteer hours, and that count must be between the given minimum and maximum.


A person is eligible for this award if he is on one or more of the lists you select here.

Months since "Date started" field

Using only the current value of the person's Date started field, filters based on the number of months since that date and the award's effective date.

Months since "Date active" field

Using only the current value of the person's Date active field, filters based on the number of months since that date and the award's effective date.

Months since "Date started", "Date active", first hours, assignment or job association

This uses the earliest of these fields and values: Date started, Date active, the date of the person's first credited hours (Start date not Date posted), Start date of the person's first assignment and Start of the person's earliest job association.

Account balance

People whose balance in a specific account reaches a target amount are eligible. See Awards Based on Accounts for more details.

Linked Graphic



Start date, End date

Only hours during this time period qualify.

Minimum/ Maximum hours

The sum of hours must be between these values (inclusive).

Only award once

If the person has already received this award, don't automatically nominate again.

Minimum hours in a year...

For a year to qualify, the volunteer must have contributed at least this many hours.

Minimum/ Maximum months

Number of months during the volunteer's history which must include hours.

Minimum/ Maximum years

Only award if the number of years meeting the criteria is between these two values (inclusive).

Activity in how many months makes an active year

A year is considered to have activity only if the volunteer has hours in at least this many months during that year.

Eligible people

Only people of these types can be automatically nominated.

Volunteer types

Only people of these volunteer types can be automatically nominated.

Eligible groups

Only people in these groups can be automatically nominated.


Exclude people who are deceased, archived, inactive, etc. from automatic nomination.

Don't award if...

Prevents automatic nomination for this award if the recipient already has any of the selected awards. Use this, for example, for the 1,500 hours award: you wouldn't want to give it to someone who's already received the 2,500 hours or 5,000 hours awards. But a volunteer could receive the 1,500 and 2,500 awards at the same time.

Detailed description

This is used in reports and mail merges.

When nominating awards...

When you use the Awards manager to automatically nominate people eligible for this type of award, VSys will give each created award the status you set here.


Inactive awards will not be used for automatic nominations.

If you want to give awards to people and the rules don't match up with any of the bases here you can use the Bulk awards creator tool.

Not all criteria are applicable to all awards basis. For example, Only award once won't be an option for awards with a basis of Subjective/manual.

If the criteria for your awards are too complex for these definitions, try using an Intellilist to filter the people.

If you aren't getting the people you expect, loosen your filters on Eligible people, Volunteer types and Eligible groups. Remember, people have to meet all your filters here to be included, not just some of them.

When setting the criteria for the award, typically the minimum is the value of the award, for example 500 hours, and the maximum is one less than the next higher award, so 1000-1=999.

See Also

Awards Types

Awards Based on Accounts