VSys One: Volunteer Management Software

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NexusDB is a very simple database server, primarily used with VSys in demonstration and testing configurations and in smaller organizations.

Operating systems

Due to restrictions placed by the operating system when running Windows Vista or Windows 7/8, VSys cannot run with NexusDB in standalone (non-server) mode with either of these operating systems unless the VSys data is stored someplace other than in the \Users or \Program Files folders. This may mean requiring that an administrator install VSys into the \VSys (or other appropriate folder) in order that standard users may then work with VSys in that folder.


NexusDB supports integral compression when connecting to a NexusDB Server. This compression is set on a client-by-client basis in each client's VSys.ini file. Find the appropriate section in the .ini file which corresponds to the connection you want to adjust, then put in the value
where "n" is 0 (for no compression) to 9 (for maximum compression). Compression is particularly helpful for users who connect to the data over the Internet. You will have to experiment to find the best setting for your circumstances. (Compression should be set to zero for connections from within your office, since the CPU time to compress and decompress the data will usually exceed the savings of less data on your network.)

Secure transports

NexusDB supports secure data connections using Blowfish/RC4 symmetric encryption. To enable and use it, put the following entries in the appropriate section of your VSys.ini file:
where "verysupersecurekey" is your password. On the NexusDB Server side, you need to set the password under Transports, Secured, Blowfish/RC4 Secured Transport and click on Apply, then enable TCP/IPv4 Transport (Blowfish). You can optionally turn off the standard TCP/IPv4 Transport if you will not be allowing any incoming unsecured connections.

This is stored in plaintext on VSys One's end and so can be read by users of this machine. The secured transport is not designed to prevent users from accessing data; it is intended to prevent "sniffing" of passwords and data on the wire by unauthorized persons.

Compression and secure transports are incompatible. Any compression level set for a secured connection will be ignored. This is due to the fact that NexusDB encrypts the data before it can be compressed, and encrypted data is generally incompressible.

In This Section

Installing NexusDB Server

Configuring NexusDB Server as a Windows Service

Table rebuild tool

See Also


Connecting VSys One to a Database

Upgrading VSys One

SQL Server