VSys One: Volunteer Management Software

Hours summary report pipeline

A summary of the hours associated with the current person. There will always be exactly one record in this pipeline. For all of the fields here, we're using an effective date of "5/31/2007" (31 May 2007) as an example.


Description or example

First activity

The first date/time the person volunteered.

Last activity

The last date/time the person volunteered.

Last month bonus, Last month miles


Last month count

Count of hours records last month.

Last month desc


Last month total

Sum of hours last month.

Last month total including bonus

Sum of hours plus bonus hours.

Last month value

Value of hours last month.

Last year bonus, Last year count, Last year total, Last year total including bonus, Last year value, Last year miles


Last year year


Lifetime bonus, Lifetime count, Lifetime total, Lifetime total including bonus, Lifetime value, Lifetime miles


This month bonus, This month count, This month desc, This month total, This month total including bonus, This month value, This month miles


This month last year bonus, This month last year count, This month last year total, This month last year value, This month last year total including bonus, This month last year miles


This month last year desc

May 2006

Year-to-date bonus, Year-to-date count, Year-to-date total, Year-to-date total including bonus, Year-to-date value, Year-to-date miles


Year-to-date year


Months with hours

Number of unique months in which the volunteer had one or more hours.

Years with hours

Number of unique years in which the volunteer had one or more hours.

Distance units

"Miles" or "Kilometers"

Volunteer ID

The volunteer's unique 16-digit ID code.