VSys One: Volunteer Management Software

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Job Slot Selection (VSys Web only)

When you choose the Insert user field button, one option is Job Slot Selection. This type of field represents an opening for a job, and allows your volunteers to select jobs via the web, but only openings which still require volunteers. These fields can be complex but also quite powerful.

When placed on a VSys Web application form, each time VSys is synchronized with the web database, VSys determines for each field what options are still eligible for selection. These fields will only allow volunteers to select openings which match the jobs, locations, times and dates defined in the Job slot selection fields.

Job slot selection definition window for data field in VSys Web custom application

Field Name


Jobs, Locations

Only these jobs at these locations will be available for selection.

Earliest start time, Latest start time

Openings must have start times within this range.

Filter by dates

Don't filter by date

All openings from the current date forward will be shown, even if they're far in the future.

Specific dates

Only openings between these dates will show.

Distance from current date

Openings a distance from the current date to some distance in the future are shown online. For example, selecting Show openings this many days... of 60 and But hide them if they're... of 5 will show openings between 5 and 60 days from the date of synchronization. Every time the database is synchronized, only openings 5-60 days from that day will show.


Hide openings which are this full

Openings which are this percentage full or more won't show up online for volunteers to choose.

Sort options

Openings will be sorted in the order you choose here, making it easier for volunteers to find the right job.

Indicate location for each item

If checked, all openings in this list will include the name of their scheduled location.

See Also

VSys Web Application Notes

Group and Type