VSys One: Volunteer Management Software

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Job, Account and Group Editors

Job, account and group drop-down editors and checklists normally display in a hierarchical fashion, that is, each job nested within its job group, and each account under its account type. Sometimes this is not intuitive to use, or you may not know which job group a job is under, or what type of account an account is under.

Linked Graphic
Right-click on any of these types of editors to choose Show flat (jobs and accounts) or Show by account number (accounts only).

Accounts (flat):
Linked Graphic

Accounts (by account number):
Linked Graphic

Linked Graphic

Depending on whether you've enabled any of the advanced settings for groups, you may also be able to filter groups by group type here. If you've nested groups one within another (hierarchical groups), you'll have the option in this right-click popup for Parental independence. If checked, groups can be checked and un-checked without their parent (or children) being changed.

See Also

Shortcuts, Tips and Tricks in VSys One

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