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Incoming Messages Manager

From the Letters, mailing labels and e-mails panel, click the Incoming messages link to open the Incoming messages manager. Use the criteria on the left navigation bar to choose which messages to view, then click on the Get messages button.
Incoming messages manager screen showing incoming SMS messages


Message types

The options here will depend on what Incoming messages types have been configured under Incoming messages in the Setup panel.

Message origins

If you have configured incoming messages from more than one source - SMS, Kiosk, VSys Live, E-mail - you will be able to narrow those sources with this filter.

From locations

If you have more than one location for a message origin, for example multiple kiosk locations, this will allow you to further filter the results.


Allows you to select items you have read, not read, dealt with or suspected spam.


Select a date range for the messages you would like to see.

On the right-click menu


Opens and views the message itself. Only some properties of the message can be edited.

See conversations

Shows all incoming and outgoing messages for this person.

Conversations window showing the history of communication with a person


(via e-mail only) If this incoming message is linked to an outgoing letter, use this link to edit the properties, the letter itself or change the status of that letter.

Mark xxx as bad...

(via e-mail only) If VSys can connect this message with a person's e-mail address, this link can be used to quickly mark the person's e-mail address as "known bad". Use this for bounced/rejected e-mails.

View message headers

(via e-mail only) Shows the message headers for the incoming e-mail.

Attached files

(via e-mail only) Shows any files and graphics which were included with an e-mail.

Edit sender

Opens the Profile editor for the person who sent the message.

Change status

Changes the status of this message to Unread, Read, Handled or Spam.

Send a letter

Merges a letter to the sender of this message.


Deletes just this message.

See tracked changes

Opens up this message's change history. Only available if tracing is enabled.


Choose All, None or Reverse the checkboxes for all visible messages.

Selected messages

Change the status of all messages, delete them all, or send a letter to all of their senders.

Match to a person

If VSys was unable to locate the sender in the database, this lets you connect the message to the sender so that it appears in that person's history. Note if VSys can pair the e-mail or mobile number with a person's existing information it will automatically match it when the message comes in.

See Also

Incoming Messages

Incoming Messages Types

Incoming Messages via E-mail

Incoming Message