VSys One: Volunteer Management Software

Job definitions report pipeline

These are the aspects of the job itself. The "w/label" variant of each field shows the field's name in addition to the text value of the field, but only when the field is not blank. This is useful for laying out reports.


Description or sample

Associated job preferences, Availability not required, Contact info, Default duration, Delegations, Description, Duties, Genders, Hourly value, Inactive, Job group, Job group parent, Kiosk display description, Locations, Maximum age, Minimum age, Preferred skills, Qualifications, Required applications, Required interviews, Required languages, Required skills, Required trainings, Restrictions, Restrictions description, Skills description, Sport, Supervisors

All of these derive from the similarly-named fields in the job's definition.


16 digit ID code of the job itself.

No VSys Live

If true, this job will not appear on VSys Live.