VSys One: Volunteer Management Software

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Setting Up Scheduled Tasks

Open the Scheduled tasks tool. Here we see three task groups.

On the left navigation bar

Setup tasks

Opens up the tasks setup tool where you can define tasks to be used within task groups. (You cannot create task groups without first defining one or more tasks.)

Add task group

Defines a new task group.

List eligible task groups

Shows you in report form a listing of all task groups which are eligible to be run at the current time.

Run eligible task groups

Executes all task groups which are right now eligible to be run.

Setup Windows scheduler

Opens the Windows Scheduler tool within VSys which helps you configure Windows to run various VSys processes.

View log

Shows a log of when various task groups have been run.

Create desktop shortcut

Makes a shortcut on your desktop (or anywhere else you designate) that can be used to start VSys, run all eligible task groups, then exit.

On the right-click menu

Add task group

Defines a new task group.

View, Edit

Opens the current task group for editing or viewing.

Make disabled/enabled

Enables or disables this task group.


Makes a duplicate of the current task group, including schedules, notifications and tasks.


Deletes this task group. Any tasks are removed from the task group but are otherwise unaffected and can be used in other task groups.

See tracked changes

Shows the tracing log of changes, execution history and results for this task group.

Execute this task group

Executes this task group and its tasks regardless of the schedule set for the task group itself.

Create a desktop shortcut...

Makes a shortcut on your desktop (or anywhere else you designate) that can be used to start VSys, run only this task group, then exit.

See Also

Scheduled Tasks

Task Groups


Running Scheduled Tasks and Task Groups

Windows Scheduler