VSys One: Volunteer Management Software

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Enter Name, Address, Phone Number and E-mail Changes

The standard Profile editor is very complex and may take several seconds to bring up a person's data. If you are primarily editing someone's basic personal data (name, gender, date of birth) and addresses, this is a faster and simpler tool.

Open the Enter name, address and phone changes tool. You'll find the same Person lookup tool as elsewhere. Use this to search for the person to be updated. Click on the person, edit the information here as appropriate, then click the Save button.
Screen for editing a name, address or phone number

If you find that you have changes to make that require the full Profile editor, clicking on the Switch to detailed view link on the left navigation bar will open the full editor without having to exit and find the person again.

In the Person lookup tool, right-clicking on a person and selecting Update addresses and phones will bring you to this same tool.

See Also


Finding People by their Personal Data

Attach PDF pages

Create a New Person

Profile Editor

Attached Files

Comments and Images

Mark Bad Phone Numbers and E-mail Addresses

Combining Duplicate People
