Within the Report Designer, and in Custom Column reports, you can specify a display format for various fields. The formats available vary by field and data type.
Special format prefix codes
Use these to simplify the display of prefixes on fields in reports.
Format |
Code |
When used at the beginning of any display format, this is replaced in the report with the name of the field plus a colon (:), but only if the field's value is not blank. |
When used at the beginning of any display format, the text between the tildes is displayed at the beginning of the field when printed, but only if the field's value is not blank. |
For example, the display format "&" when used on a person's Date started field will display
Date started: 01/12/2010
if there is information in the field. If the field is blank nothing will display. This removes extraneous and confusing labels from the report.
Number fields
Format |
Code |
-1,234 |
-1,234.40 |
(1,234.40) |
($1,234.40) |
-$1,234.40 |
-$1,234 |
($1,234) |
-1234 % |
-1234.40 % |
Number fields as duration
(all "time duration" options take a number field and consider it to be a duration, stored in hours)
Time duration (system setting) |
Uses the user-defined display option for durations, usually |
Time duration (system setting with seconds) |
As above, but includes seconds. |
Time duration (decimal) |
Always displays as fractional hours, e.g. " |
Time duration (hh:mm) |
Always displays as hours:minutes, e.g. " |
Time duration (hh:mm:ss) |
As above, but with seconds included. |
Date fields
Format |
Description |
Code |
3/4/95 |
03/04/95 |
03/04/1995 |
4-Mar-95 |
04-Mar-95 |
March 4, 1995 |
3/4 |
Mar-95 |
March-95 |
System setting |
The date in the user-defined date format. |
System setting, just date |
As above, but removes any time elements. |
Blank when zero |
If the field's value is blank, display nothing instead of an empty date. |
Time fields
Format |
Description |
Code |
1:30 PM |
13:30 |
1:30:55 PM |
13:30:55 |
System setting |
Time in the user-defined time format. |
System setting, with seconds |
As above, but including seconds. |
Tight |
Time in the smallest space possible, e.g. " |
Tight, with seconds |
As above, but including seconds. |
Time duration (system setting) |
Time as a duration in the user-defined duration format. |
Time duration (system setting, with seconds) |
As above, but including seconds. |
Time duration (decimal) |
Time as a duration in decimal form, regardless of user-defined duration format. |
Time duration (hh:mm) |
Time as a duration in |
Time duration (hh:mm:ss) |
As above, but including seconds. |
Blank when zero |
If the field's value is blank, display nothing instead of an empty time. |
Date/time fields
Format |
Description |
Code |
3/4/95 1:30:55 PM |
3/4/95 13:30:55 |
3/4/95 |
03/04/95 |
03/04/1995 |
4-Mar-95 |
04-Mar-95 |
March 4, 1995 |
3/4 |
Mar-95 |
March-95 |
System setting |
Date/time in the user-defined format. |
System setting, just date |
As above, but excluding any time elements. |
System setting, just time |
User-defined date/time format but without the date. |
System setting, just time with seconds |
As above, but including seconds. |
System setting with seconds |
Date/time in user-defined format, but including seconds. |
Friendly |
For dates in the past three days, shows, e.g. " |
Friendly with seconds |
As above, but including seconds. |
Tight |
See " |
Tight, just time |
See " |
Tight, just time with seconds |
See " |
Time duration (system setting) |
Time as a duration in the user-defined duration format. |
Time duration (system setting, with seconds) |
As above, but including seconds. |
Time duration (decimal) |
Time as a duration in decimal form, regardless of user-defined duration format. |
Time duration (hh:mm) |
Time as a duration in |
Time duration (hh:mm:ss) |
As above, but including seconds. |
Time duration (tight) |
Time duration (tight w/seconds) |
Blank when zero |
If the field's value is blank, display nothing instead of an empty date. |
Boolean/checkbox/yes no fields
Checked/true value |
Un-checked/false value |
Code |
Yes |
No |
Yes;No |
Y |
N |
Y;N |
True |
False |
True;False |
T |
F |
T;F |
OK |
OK; |
Done |
Done; |
Not OK |
;Not OK |
Not Done |
;Not Done |