Max records to show at once |
No more than this number of records will be shown at once. |
Read only |
If checked, no editing or deleting is permitted. |
Require view or edit rights to person |
Checking this requires that the current user have view or edit rights to the volunteer in the assignment. |
Inline editing |
If checked, editing is done in the grid instead of using an Edit popup window. |
Allow deletion |
Hours records cannot be deleted if this is not checked. |
Jobs, Locations |
If any of these are checked, only hours which have these jobs/locations will be shown. |
Allow editing start dates/times |
Users can edit the start dates and times of hours records only if this is checked. |
Default "Supervisors" field to the current user |
If checked, the Supervisors filter will default to the current user; this makes it simple for the tool to start out showing the current user's data. |
Show "Send a letter" |
Shows a link to send a letter to the volunteer from within VSys Anywhere. Only letter templates based on people or hours can be used. |
Allow filtering on virtual hours records |
Advanced/unsupported. |
Selection rule |
Adds additional, hidden filters that can restrict the assignments shown based on their relationship to the current user. |
Max days in past |
Limits how old the hours records can be. |