VSys One: Volunteer Management Software

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SQL Server Connection Settings

Using SQL Server requires that you first configure SQL Server, establish the database, and create SQL Server users. VSys One will automatically create the empty tables within your database the first time it connects to that database.

Field name


Server address

Enter the name of the server, e.g. "vsysdata.myorg.com".

To specify an instance on a server, use the backslash ("\") character to delimit the instance from the address. For example, "vsysdata.myorg.com\InstanceName".


The name of the database on SQL Server.

Use domain authentication to server

If checked, VSys One will use your Active Directory login to log into SQL Server and won't prompt you for a SQL Server account and password.

Default server login ID

(optional) When users are prompted to log in to SQL Server, this ID will be provided by default; not applicable if using domain authentication.

Default server password

(optional) The password for Default server login ID above.

Note that "Domain authentication" here is not the same as Active Directory integration in VSys Security. Here you're connecting to and authenticating with SQL Server in order to get access to the database on SQL Server. Active Directory integration as part of VSys Security is you authenticating to VSys itself, and VSys is validating your Active Directory user ID and password against your domain.

When using the default SQL Server instance, for example "MSSQLSERVER", you can (and may have to) omit the instance name from the Server address field. If you get the error "SQL Server: Network interfaces connection string is not valid [87]", change the Server address to just be the machine's name. In the example above this would be "vsysdata.myorg.com".

To get VSys to connect to a nonstandard SQL Server port, in Server address, put the server address followed by a comma and then the port number. For example, to use port 14331 you could use "vsysdata.myorg.com,14331". (Note that you do not need to do this for "normal" SQL Server dynamic ports, this is only for cases where you're explicitly having SQL Server listen on nonstandard and otherwise unsupported ports.)

See Also

Connecting VSys One to a Database

NexusDB Connection Settings