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Training Records

Training records come in two kinds: those associated with a training course, and standalone records which are not connected to a training course. Both track the same information, but a record associated with a training course gets its date, duration, subject, and location from the course, and updating the course updates all of the training records in that course. You can work with a person's training records from within their Profile Editor, the Training Manager or from a course's list of entrants.

Training record in a course:

Linked Graphic

Training record not associated with a course:

Linked Graphic

When right-clicking on any training record to send the student a letter, VSys will show only those letter templates whose data source is "People" or "Training records". Of these, only the ones with a data source of "Training records" can easily include information about the training record itself. VSys has a built in letter template for this - it's easy to send letters to people about their trainings!

See Also



Training Courses

Course Entrants

Training Manager