Changing the type of data for an existing custom field can be hazardous to your data. The following table shows which data types can safely be changed into another and what may happen to data during the transition. Changes marked as “Invalid” will not be prevented by VSys, but may result in some very odd conversions.
Target type -> Source type |
Text |
Check box |
Memo |
Number (without decimals) |
Number (with decimals) |
Text |
n/a |
Invalid |
OK |
Invalid |
Invalid |
Checkbox |
OK |
n/a |
OK |
Invalid |
Invalid |
Memo (long text) |
May be truncated |
Invalid |
n/a |
Invalid |
Invalid |
Number (without decimals) |
OK |
Invalid |
OK |
n/a |
OK |
Number (with decimals) |
OK |
Invalid |
OK |
OK |
n/a |
Date |
Invalid |
Invalid |
OK |
Invalid |
Invalid |
List of specific choices |
Will be name or code |
Invalid |
Will be name or code |
Invalid |
Invalid |
Checklist of specific choices |
Will be comma- delimited list of names or codes |
Invalid |
Will be comma- delimited list of names or codes |
Invalid |
Invalid |
Grouping |
Invalid |
Invalid |
Invalid |
Invalid |
Invalid |
Invalid |
Invalid |
Invalid |
Invalid |
Invalid |
Target type -> Source type |
Date |
List of specific choices |
Checklist of specific choices |
Grouping |
Role |
Text |
Invalid |
Invalid |
Invalid |
Invalid |
Invalid |
Checkbox |
Invalid |
Invalid |
Invalid |
Invalid |
Invalid |
Memo (long text) |
Invalid |
Invalid |
Invalid |
Invalid |
Invalid |
Number (without decimals) |
Invalid |
Invalid |
Invalid |
Invalid |
Invalid |
Number (with decimals) |
Invalid |
Invalid |
Invalid |
Invalid |
Invalid |
Date |
n/a |
Invalid |
Invalid |
Invalid |
Invalid |
List of specific choices |
Invalid |
n/a |
OK if codes or names compatible |
Invalid |
Invalid |
Checklist of specific choices |
Invalid |
OK if codes or names compatible and zero or one items checked |
n/a |
Invalid |
Invalid |
Grouping |
Invalid |
Invalid |
Invalid |
n/a |
Invalid |
Role |
Invalid |
Invalid |
Invalid |
Invalid |