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Print Options

Print your report to any of the printers attached to your machine, or any of these special devices:

Open and view this file

This will open the report in a window to view with the usual print/save buttons.

E-mail this file

This will open a message in your default e-mail client with the report as an attachment in the message. You can then send it.

Delete this file

Deletes the file.

When printing to any of the special devices other than the screen or PDF for e-mail, VSys will prompt you for a file to save the resulting report into. Enter the file that you want to create in the box near the bottom labeled Where.

Linked Graphic

None of these special formats require that any other programs be installed; e.g. you don't need Adobe Acrobat® installed to make a PDF file or Microsoft Office® to make an Excel file.

See Also

Report Concepts



Built-in Reports

Loading Reports

Saving Reports

Detail Filtering/Sorting