On the right margin, these are the job groups and jobs (globally or for this project.) Drag a job over a location and time on the grid to make a new job slot with this job. |
This appears when a job slot is selected and that slot has one or more entrants. You can drag entrants from one slot to another, or right-click on the entrant to delete, view, edit, send a letter or add/remove from lists. |
This controls which date shows on the calendar. Click on any date to move to that date.
This controls the duration of each row on the calendar grid in minutes. |
These filter the jobs and slots which will display on the grid. Locations control the columns - one column for each selected location - when in single day mode. |
These are individual job slots. Slots with
Right-click on a slot to edit it, assign an entrant, or remove it from the schedule. You can also drag the slot from one time or location to another with the mouse, resize it to change its duration, or squeeze it from the top to change its start time. |
This is an assignment which is not associated with a specific need. It may be a non-slot assignment or a recurring assignment, Recurring assignments are noted with the appropriate text in the caption. Right-click on an assignment to edit it, find a replacement, edit or work with the volunteer, or delete it from the schedule. You can also drag the assignment from one time or location to another with the mouse, resize it to change its duration, or squeeze it from the top to change its start time. |
When you've selected a day that has job slots in locations that aren't shown, this link shows the number of "invisible" locations. Clicking on this link will show all of those locations. |