Field name |
Description |
Description |
Text description of the job, this is what will display on the kiosk itself. |
Check-in method |
Kiosk only, Web only, or Kiosk or web. |
Touchscreen/kiosk locations |
If kiosk locations are defined, use this to limit which kiosks this walkup checkin job is available on. |
The project associated with this job, or (global). |
Job |
Job and job group that this walkup job is associated with. |
Location |
This is the location that will be associated with the volunteer hours record posted, and where someone looking for a checked-in volunteer would expect to find him. |
Valid days of week |
Un-check any days of the week when this walkup checkin job would not be available. |
First valid date, Last valid date |
If entered, this walkup checkin job is only available during this date range. If only the First valid date is provided, it's considered to be available from that date forward. If only Last valid date is entered, it's valid on any date up to and including that date. |
Default duration |
If the volunteer does not check out of this job, this is the number of hours he will be credited with. |
Maximum duration |
If not 00:00, even if the volunteer works longer than this time, he will only be credited with this many hours. |
Only specific times of day |
If checked, the job is only available during the time period you specify. |