The touchscreen/kiosk system allows volunteers to sign in by swiping their ID through either a barcode or magnetic stripe scanner. The credentials printer can print a special barcode for this purpose, or you can manually associate a specific value with each volunteer if you have pre-printed or encoded cards.
Steps in this task
Click Input Kiosk Swipe/Scan Value.
When the Login Swipe Reader window opens, click Enter manually.
Swipe or scan the card/barcode (or type in the value) to enter the value and click OK.
Click Enter manually and enter the value a second time.
If the values don't match it will read FAILED under Verification. Click Enter manually and try again.
If the values match it will read VALID under Verification.
Click Save to finish.
About codes:
Scanned codes must be at least seven characters long, and must be unique among all people.
Only the characters a-z, A-Z and 0-9 are considered valid, all others are removed during the scanning process.
VSys only takes the first valid 64 characters entered, others are discarded