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Exceptions, People with Issues

Exceptions reports within projects are used to find and show any number of issues with registered people. These are special reports, for which you can't use the report designer, but where you do have a lot of flexibility in what data appears.

Why would you run this report? Print this report to find people with assignment conflicts, missing information, missing or expired background checks, etc.

Steps in this task

The built-in report, which comes up automatically by default, is pretty good. Many of the options below are just that - options. If you just click the Print button, you may find that the report already meets all or most of your needs.

  1. Click on the Exceptions, people with issues link from the Reports panel within a project.

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  2. Choose the issues you want to print on the report from the Issues to report menu: Banned, Deceased, Inactive, No background check, Expired background check, Missing or expired certifications, Non-approved background check, Background check restrictions, Availability conflict, Assignment conflict, Job requirement conflict, Missing gender, Missing DOB, Wheelchair/requires handicap access, Medical alerts, Diet alerts, Special requests/needs, Missing passport, place of birth, and/or Missing photo.
  3. Check Show all people who meet these criteria... if you want to include all people in the project even if they don't have any issues.
  4. Select which people to include: Everybody, Only people with specific job assignments, or Only people with no job assignments.
  5. Enter the effective date for the report. This is the date that will be used when calculating expiring background checks.
  6. Choose which special requests/needs are counted as issues.
  7. Select the delegations and roles of people to be included.
  8. Put in filters for assignments (if applicable) on their jobs, locations and dates.
  9. Set your sort criteria.
  10. Enter a report title.
  11. Click Print to run the report.

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See Also

Project Reports