The certification designer lets you add, edit and remove fields from the certification's definition. VSys lets you have an unlimited number of fields on each certification, only requiring that each field have its own unique code.
Editing a field
Field |
Meaning |
Field description |
How the field is described on reports, filters, etc. |
To encrypt this field, choose an encryption group. The field won't be encrypted if the encryption keys for this group have not been created. |
Data type |
Report field name |
How this field is named in reports. |
Hidden rules |
This is not a documented feature. |
Hide label |
If checked, on the certification's editor (where you enter data into a certification), the label, in this case "Testing facility", will not be shown. |
Options |
For Single choice, Checklist, Expanded checklist and Magic checklist data types, the descriptions and codes for the stored values. |