Each greeting rule has its own set of details. You can set up your holiday greetings years in advance, and VSys will show them only when appropriate.
Field name |
Description |
Description |
A description for your own use, will not appear to the volunteer. |
Holiday |
Select a holiday from the defined list of holidays. You can create your own using the Holidays link on the Setup panel. |
Template to use |
Select a letter template here. You'll define the letter templates themselves using the Letter templates tool on the Letters, mail merges and labels panel. For a letter template to be usable here, it must have the Letter type of Holiday greeting. |
Minimum/Maximum age |
For birthday greetings only, lets you limit the ages of the recipients who receive this message. (You may want to define a different greeting for your teenage volunteers than the one that goes to your seniors.) |
Number of days before... |
If the volunteer signs in up to this point before the holiday, the greeting will be shown early. |
Number of days after... |
If the greeting hasn't been shown yet, and it's up to this many days after the holiday, the greeting will still be shown. |
Inactive |
If inactive, the greeting won't be shown to anyone, but isn't deleted either. |
If the greeting isn't shown to the person between the (holiday date - days before)..(holiday date + days after), the greeting won't be shown at all that year.