This is by far the biggest pipeline, containing everything you'd ever want to know about a person.
Field |
Description or sample |
Match similarity |
(not used here) |
Name |
Name (natural) |
Name (natural) without middle initial |
Name prefix/title |
Name with prefix/title |
Name first |
Name middle |
Name middle initial |
Name last/family |
Name last/family initial |
Name first and last/family |
Name suffix |
Mailing title |
Mailing all names |
The Mailing title field if present, otherwise the Name with prefix/title value. |
Mailing dear |
Mailing count |
(not used here) |
Company |
Alternate name (natural) |
Alternate first name |
Alternate middle name |
Alternate family/last name |
Alternate name suffix |
He/She/They |
he/she/they (lower case) |
Sounds like (phonetic) name |
Sounds like (phonetic) name (reversed) |
Team name |
Team member count |
Team description |
Gender |
Gender (short) |
Active date |
Active status |
All person types |
Additional types |
All supervisors |
VSys goes and finds all supervisors associated with this person from assignments, job associations and hours. |
Volunteer type |
Additional groups |
All groups |
Volunteer source |
Language |
Communication language |
Additional languages |
Special requests/needs |
Contact flags |
DOB year |
DOB month |
DOB month name |
Birthday |
Age |
Age at nearest birthday |
Used primarily for birthday greetings, which are often sent or seen before the recipient's actual birthday. This is their age at the birthday the shortest distance from today's date. |
Deceased date |
Inactive |
Inactive date |
Inactive reason |
Inactive followup date |
Years since first active |
Re-active date |
Placeholder |
Archived |
Archived date |
Archived reason |
Archived comment |
Banned comments |
Banned reason |
Banned expiration |
Wheelchair/requires handicap access |
Medical alert |
Diet alert |
Emergency contact |
Only here for backwards compatibility, use the person's "Emergency contact" address instead for this purpose. |
Nationality |
Place of birth |
Passport number |
Passport expiration date |
Photo ID verified |
The last date their ID was verified. |
Code |
16-digit internal ID code for this person. |
Code short |
The "Basic" or 5-digit ID code. |
Security user ID |
Security disabled |
Security expiration |
Person number |
Import reference |
ID from previous database, e.g. a VolunteerWorks number. |
Last changed |
Date created |
Date started |
Status |
Transitions |
Details all transitions between active, inactive, banned, archived, deceased, and any imported from VolunteerWorks. |
Upcoming recurring assignments |
Describes the rules for all active recurring assignments. |
Image |
Web user ID |
Web disabled |
Web needs activation |
Web description |
Link to current web application |
(not used here) |
Kiosk user ID |
Kiosk disabled |
Years since first active |
Number of years between the current date and the person's Date started. |