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Creating User Decryption Keys

User keys can be given out to users, since they are protected by passphrases and can be individually revoked. However, no keys should ever be stored on a hard drive or network drive.

From the Tools region of the left navigation panel, click the Create a new user key link. The New User Decryption Key Wizard window opens.
This wizard is similar to the encryption key wizard, but instead creates a user decryption key. It also requires that an administrative key or a master key has already been created. When finished, copies of this key are saved to a USB drive and are protected by the user's passphrase.

  1. Click the Next button. The Key properties page opens.
  2. Enter the key properties in the fields on the screen.

Field Names

Definitions and Comments

Encryption group

Type of data that is encrypted. For example, background checks.


Check to use as an administrative key, which lets you make other keys from it.

User ID

A short name associated with the user of this key.


This is the password which the user will need to enter every time he accesses this key.

Confirm passphrase

Enter the same password as above.

User IDs in the Encryption key manager are not necessarily related to user IDs in VSys security. VSys security and VSys data encryption work well together, but neither requires the other and user IDs in one don't have to be the same in the other.

  1. Click the Next button. The Save keys page opens.
  2. Enter the file names of one or two places to save the user's decryption key.

They should be on a USB flash drive or other removable media, never on your hard drive or a network drive.

  1. Click the Next button. The Finished! page opens.
  2. Click the Finish button. VSys creates the new key. This may take a few minutes.

See Also

Create and Manage Data Encryption Keys

Creating Master Encryption Keys

Revoking a User's Key

Changing a User Decryption Key Passphrase