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Bonus Hours Rule

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This is used when prompting to apply the rules when manually entering volunteer hours.


The order of this rule in the list of rules. The lowest-numbered rule which matches the hours being entered (job, location, start/end date and time, day of week) will be used.


An inactive rule is never applied, so you can mark rules which you don't need now but expect to use again in the future as inactive to keep them available but have them not affect your work now.


If specified, the hours record being entered must be on the list of jobs selected here. Choose (no filter) to have the rule apply to all jobs.


If specified, the hours record being entered must be on the list of locations selected here. Choose (no filter) to have the rule apply to all locations.

Starting between, Ending between

Start and end time for the hours record must be between these times.

Minimum start date, Maximum start date

Start date of the hours record must be on or between these dates. Leaving the Minimum start date field blank means a minimum date of January 1, 1900. Leaving Maximum start date blank means any start date after the Minimum start date.

Days of the week

If any are chosen, the start date of the hours record must be on this day of the week for the rule to apply.

People types

If selected, only people of these types are considered.


If any are selected, only people in these groups will be considered.


Percentage of hours

The bonus hour amount will be a certain percentage (that you specify here) of the hours record's duration.

Fixed amount

Every hours record gets the same number of bonus hours regardless of the hours record's duration.

Percentage of hours beyond a certain length

Similar to Percentage of hours above, but the credited amount is a percentage of the hours record's duration beyond a certain amount. Use this for things like overtime, where they get a bonus for the hours beyond eight per day.


Account records to create

VSys can create one or more account records based on the hours record's duration. Click on a rule's name to edit it or on (add) to create a new one.

See Also

Bonus Hours

Bonus Hours Account Rules