While you can assign new training instructors while defining a training course, it's faster to have all of your trainers pre-defined. By marking a trainer as inactive, VSys will show that trainer at the bottom of selection lists, making it easier to quickly choose the trainer(s) you need.
Setting up training instructors
Click on the Training instructors link from the Setup panel.
Add new trainers by clicking on the Add instructor link and then locating the person to use.
Remove a trainer by right-clicking on their name and selecting Remove as instructor. Note: this is only available for manually-defined instructors, meaning those who are not attached as instructors to any training course.
Mark a trainer as active or inactive by right-clicking on their name and selecting Make active or Make inactive. This is available for all instructors.
Right-click on a trainer to edit them, send letters, or any other actions normally associated with a person.
Click the Save button to commit your changes. Note: changes you've made by editing the instructors themselves were committed immediately.