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Command Line Interactive File Importer


The Interactive File Importer can be run from the command line much as it would be using the standard user tools. This allows a limited amount of automation for the import process.

Steps in This Task

  1. Using the Interactive File Importer, load a sample file to be importer.
  2. Make the necessary mappings.
  3. If people or people-based objects are being imported, make sure that the appropriate person lookup fields are mapped. Click on Module-specific options and make sure that the box If a person does not exist, create a new one without looking for existing records who may be that person is checked. This is required because the Interactive File Importer is not interactive when run from the command line. Therefore it cannot prompt the user about the connections between existing people in VSys and incoming people in the import file.
  4. Test your import to ensure that it works as expected, that you don't receive any errors and that you're not prompted to match imported people against existing people.
  5. Save the mappings and settings using the Save settings link. You'll need this file later.
  6. Exit VSys.
  7. Create a batch file which executes a command similar to this:
    VSys.exe import:specs.xml,
    Where specs.xml is the name of the settings file you created above and is the name of the file to be imported. If there are spaces in either of these filenames, bracket the entire parameter in double-quotes as such:
    VSys.exe "import:specs.xml,"
    It is important that neither filename contains a comma character.
  8. Save this batch file.

When the batch file is executed, VSys will import the file that you specify given the settings you've provided. It will save the results of any import actions, both results and errors, to a file in the current folder.

See Also

Command Line Tools

Command Line Background Checks

Command Line Backups

Command Line Datapump

Command Line Index Rebuilder

Command Line Login

Command Line Reminders

Command Line Reports

Command Line SMS Results Retrieval

Command Line VSys Web Synchronization