You can use VSys Live to let your volunteers sign up for trainings online. There are several settings to configure and understand in order to do this.
VSys Live training settings
Setting up training courses for VSys Live
Use the Training courses and results tool under the User tools panel to define your training courses as usual. To exclude a specific course from online signup, check the box Don't show this course for self-signup on VSys Live in that course's properties.
Managing trainings
As your volunteers sign up online, training records are created automatically. You can see those training records within the volunteer's profile as well as in the Training Manager on the User Tools panel.
If you have set up the status of the training to be automatically approved (Registered) they will show up in the Training Courses. If your volunteers' trainings need approval, use the Training Manager at regular intervals to find training records needing your approval. Select a filter on Status of Pending, then click the Get trainings button. Approve or decline each training, and optionally send a letter to these volunteers using the tools on the right-click menu.
When it's time to run the training itself, use the various training reports to print rosters and sign-in sheets.
After the training, open the course itself and set the status of attendees as appropriate: Complete, Did not show, etc. You can send out letters and print completion certificates here, too.