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Training Course Properties

Click on a training course to bring up its properties.

Linked Graphic

Field name


Course subject

What this course teaches. Click the Setup subjects link to set the options here in the Training Subjects section of the Setup panel.


This can be any value which adequately describes the course for you. Normally you'd include at least the course subject here.

Start date

Date that the training takes place.

Start time

The beginning time for the training.


How long the training lasts.


Status of the training - Canceled, Confirmed, Pending, Requested, Rescheduled. This allows you to track the process of offering a class, such as track in interest in a potential class before offering it to your volunteers.

Credit students with volunteer hours

If checked, upon successfully completing this course, students will be credited with volunteer hours based on the duration of the course. Select the job with which they'll be credited the hours (you may want to set up a special job just for this purpose) and the Hours ratio. Each volunteer will get, as their hours, the duration of this course times the hours ratio / 100. For example, a three hour class with an hours ratio of 50% would net each student 1.5 volunteer hours.

Hours ratio

If they do receive credit, what percentage of time they receive.


Select the instructor for the course from the pull-down menu. If the person is not listed choose (add) to search for him. You can pre-configure a listing of instructors under Training Instructors in the Setup panel.

Primary location

Where the class is taught. If it's in more than one location, put the most important one here.


Text field to make notes about food/beverage for the course.

Expiration date

Students who successfully complete this course will have that training marked to expire on this date.

Anonymous enrollment

Students attending the training for which there are no individuals to enter, either because you don't know who they will be or because they are not regular volunteers.

Min enrollment

The minimum number of students for the course to be presented.

Max enrollment

The maximum number of students who can take the course at once.

Max oversubscription

If you expect that not all your participants will show, how many over do you want to accommodate in anticipation of no-shows.


Other information about this training.

See Also

Training Courses Setup