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Use these fields to choose which letters you want to bring up in the Letter Manager. Only those letters which meet all of these filters will be displayed. After setting your criteria, click on the Get letters button.

Letter types

These are the built-in letter types plus the ones that you've defined.


Use this to select specific letter templates rather than on "Letter types" above.


Cancelled, Delayed, Held, Pending, Sent and Undeliverable. This filter is commonly used to exclude letters which have already been sent.

Response statuses

RSVP statuses.


Any, E-mail, Mail, SMS/Text message, Touchscreen/kiosk mail or Web-sent mail.

Created or saved between

This is the date when the letter was merged, or the letter was last edited and saved.

Mailed between

If a minimum date is set, and the letter is not marked as mailed, it will not be included here.

Exclude these contact flags

People who have one or more of these contact flags will not have their letters included here. This is commonly used to eliminate people who don't want to receive a particular kind of communication.

Show letters normally hidden...

When one or more letters is not sent because it would have gone to the second or later person with a shared address, VSys normally does not show here those letters here. Check this to show them anyway.

See Also

Letter Manager