VSys One: Volunteer Management Software

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View and Edit Hours for Many Volunteers at Once

Sometimes you will need to edit the hours for many volunteers. This tool allows you to do it in bulk.

Steps in this task

  1. Start at the View and edit hours for many volunteers at once tool.
    View and Edit Hours for many volunteers at once screen
  2. Start by setting your filters - these will be the hours that VSys will display.

Field Names

Definitions and Comments

Only records with an invalid or missing job

If checked, VSys will only display records here whose job no longer exists.

Start date, end date

Only hours with a start date on or between these two dates will be shown.

Minimum duration, Maximum duration

Only hours whose individual durations are within these bounds will be shown. To not filter on hours duration, leave both values at "00:00".


If Only records with an invalid or missing job is not checked, use this to filter the hours records to selected jobs.


Only hours at these locations will be loaded.

  1. Click the Get records button to find all hours records that meet the criteria you've set.
  2. Examine the hours records that are shown. Are these the ones you want?
  3. Make the changes. Click on any hours record to edit it, or right-click to delete individual records or work with hours in bulk.
  4. Click the Save button to commit your changes.

Right-click tools


Edits this selected hours record.

Delete, Un-delete

Deletes or un-deletes just this individual record.


Lets you select (check) all visible records, none of them, or reverse the checkboxes on all of them.



Deletes or un-deletes all checked records.

Set job

For all checked records, changes the job and job group of the hours records.

Set location

For all checked records, changes the location of the hours records.


Saves just the checked records.


VSys does not change any hours records, or save any other changes that you make, until you've clicked the Save button.

To see assignments which have been changed recently by your volunteers using VSys Live, see Recently Cancelled Assignments.

See Also

Crediting Volunteer Hours

Crediting Volunteer Hours from Assignments

Crediting Volunteer Hours Generally

Crediting Volunteer Hours - Simplified

Crediting Volunteer Hours Individually

Crediting Volunteer Hours for Multiple People at Once

Hours/Accounts Integration