VSys One: Volunteer Management Software

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Crediting Volunteer Hours from Assignments

Start from the Credit volunteer hours (from assignments) tool. This tool brings up a list of all volunteer job assignments which meet your criteria along with the status of each. Every assignment has as its status either "Credited", meaning that the person has already been given credit for this assignment, or "Not credited".

Crediting hours

Most frequently you will have a Sign-in List Report in front of you indicating who was there and who was not. Check the sign-in sheet against this screen of people with assignments who were expected. Assign credit for those who came to their assignment, leaving the no-shows uncredited.
Crediting Hours by Assigment screen


Show/Hide credited assignments

Toggle this link to either have the credited assignments show or be hidden.

Show/Hide non-slot assignments

Toggle this link to either have non-slot assignments show or be hidden.

Show/Hide cancelled assignments

Toggle this link to either have cancelled assignments show or be hidden.


Credit selected for people

Credits hours for all checked assignments.

Revoke credited hours

Removes credited hours from all checked assignments.



Show only assignment records starting with this date and going forward this many days.

Show editor for every item

If checked, this will bring up the hours editor for each record as it's credited.

Filter by name

Enter a volunteer's name to only see his assignments.


Filters assignments shown by job and job group.


Filters assignments shown by location.

Steps in this task

  1. Select the date to display. VSys lets you show multiple days at once here. VSys will list everyone who had a scheduled assignment for that day(s).
  2. Filter the assignments on this list as appropriate. For example, you may want to credit hours only for a single location. On the left navigation bar you have filters on jobs, locations and sports.
  3. Optionally hide assignments which are already credited by clicking on the Hide credited assignments link, and/or hide non-slot assignments by clicking on the Hide non-slot assignments link.
  4. Check Show editor for every item to see the specifics and verify each assignment as you credit the hours. You will want to check this if you expect to need to modify the hours from a person's scheduled hours.
  5. To find a specific individual's shift, use the Filter by name search box under the date. If you know the individual's last name, phone number or e-mail address, type it in the box and then select the volunteer from the list. If you have a partial name, click the Ellipse (three dots)  icon button to search for the individual. Remember, you can always sort a column in a table by clicking on the column header.
  6. Select the checkboxes to choose the volunteers who should be credited with hours. Right-click to select All assignments.
  7. Un-check the assignments for people who were no-shows or cancellations, and should not get credit.
  8. Click on the Credit selected for people link. If you have checked Show editor for every item, VSys will prompt you to verify each assignment. It will also prompt you if there is missing information about that assignment. Otherwise VSys will immediately credit the volunteer for the assigned hours since it knows what should be credited from the assignment.

Window showing the details about the assignment hours being credited

Based on the number of people in this assignment, VSys will apply the administrator-defined rules for possibly multiplying the posted duration and/or value by the number of people.

Click the Post hours button to give the person credit, Skip to go to the next record ignoring this one, or Cancel to stop the whole process.

After each assignment has been handled, VSys gives you a report of what you did with each record, either crediting it, skipping it, or noting that credit had already been given.

Other tasks

You can also use this tool to un-credit hours which have been credited but should not be. Right-click on an individual assignment and then on This assignment then Revoke credit. This can be done in bulk by checking multiple assignments and then right-clicking to select Selected assignments then Revoke credit or clicking on the Revoke credited hours link on the left.

Changes made here take effect right away. You don't get a Save button at the upper-right. If you make a mistake you can always re-credit or revoke the hours.

See Also

Crediting Volunteer Hours

Crediting Volunteer Hours Generally

Crediting Volunteer Hours - Simplified

Crediting Volunteer Hours Individually

Crediting Volunteer Hours for Multiple People at Once

Hours/Accounts Integration

View and Edit Hours for Many Volunteers at Once