VSys One: Volunteer Management Software

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Receiving SMS/Text Messages

If your Twilio phone number is configured to allow incoming SMS messages, VSys can retrieve those messages for you.

  1. From the E-mails and SMS messages panel, click on the Check for new SMS/text messages and sent statuses link, or, from the SMS/text message manager tool, click the Run button.
    (Use the Override "last messages check" date setting on the SMS/text message manager only if instructed by Bespoke's support team. This is used in cases where VSys or Twilio have fallen out of synch.)
  2. VSys will give you the counts of new messages received as well as the statuses of messages previously sent. A complete log of the conversation with Twilio is available via the See detailed response link, and any errors can be seen using the See errors link, both only visible as appropriate.
    SMS/text message status results window
  3. Use the Incoming messages manager where you can see, change and reply to incoming messages.

Because incoming SMS messages are identified only by the sending phone number and do not include the sender's name, VSys uses the phone number to match up incoming messages to people in VSys. If more than one person has that phone number, VSys takes its best guess. If no one has that phone number, VSys stores the message but does not link it to a specific individual.

See Also

SMS/Text Messages

SMS Requirements

SMS/Text Message Setup

SMS/Text Message Manager

SMS Robot

Sending a Quick SMS/Text Message