VSys One: Volunteer Management Software

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Export Interviews

VSys can export interviews to your Microsoft Outlook calendar or to the vCalendar format which can be imported into many other applications. With one or more interviews showing in the Interview manager, links on the Export panel on the left navigation bar will become enabled.

All to vCalendar

All interviews shown will be exported to an .ics file.

Selected to vCalendar

Only checked items will be exported to an .ics file.

All to Outlook

All interviews shown will be exported to your Outlook calendar.

Selected to Outlook

Only checked items will be exported to your Outlook calendar.


Exporting to Outlook is convenient, but comes with three caveats:

  1. Outlook must be installed on the machine that you're using to export the interviews.
  2. If you export interviews which already exist in your Outlook calendar, they will be re-created as duplicates. This is a result of the protocol used by Outlook.
  3. Outlook must be running on the same machine as VSys One. If you're running VSys and Outlook on your workstation that's fine, if both are accessed via Remote Desktop and are on the same server, that's fine, but if one is on your workstation and one is remote via Remote Desktop or Citrix, VSys can't connect to Outlook in order to push interviews into it.


vCalendar/iCalendar files are not specific to a single application. Instead, they are specially formatted text files following a standard protocol. These files can be imported into Google Mail, Apple Mail and others.

Example vCalendar export

PRODID:-//Bespoke Software///VSys One//EN
ORGANIZER;CN="Marly Manz":MAILTO:mmanz@sample.com
LOCATION:Main office
ATTENDEE;CUTYPE=INDIVIDUAL;CN="Kathy Smith":MAILTO:ksmith@sample.com
SUMMARY:Follow-up - Kathy Smith
DESCRIPTION:Follow-up - Kathy Smith

See Also


Interview Manager

Sending Interview Letters

Scheduling Interviews

Entering Interview Results