VSys One: Volunteer Management Software

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Kronos Setup

Open the Kronos integration setup link from the Special tools panel.

Steps in this task

  1. Define how VSys should expect the data from Kronos (Excel, dBase or Tab-delimited file), and whether that data has a header row (not applicable to dBase files).
  2. Select which VSys field corresponds to the Employee ID field coming in from Kronos (Kiosk PIN or Import reference ID).
  3. Prepare an export from Kronos that VSys can use to map its fields to those coming from Kronos. The actual files you import later must have the same layout as this sample file.
  4. Open a sample file from Kronos.
  5. Map VSys One fields to the fields in the sample data file. At a minimum, there must be fields for:
    Record ID
    Employee ID
    Start date/time or (Start date and Start time)
    End date/time or (End date and End time) or Duration
  6. Click on Validate field mappings; VSys will check the fields you've provided to ensure that sufficient information is present for it to be able to process incoming records.
  7. Under the Jobs section set your filters and job settings.



Valid volunteer statuses

Only volunteers with these statuses can have their hours imported from Kronos, any other volunteers will show an exception.

Default location

For records imported with no obvious location for VSys to use for the hours record (such as those based on a job association), VSys will use this location for the hours record.

Default job

Where VSys can't determine a job for an imported record, it will use this as the job for the created hours record.

How early can a check in be for an assignment

When VSys tries to determine the job to credit, it will only look at assignments that are this distance in the future. For example you probably don't want volunteers checking in for jobs that don't start for another 12 hours. Set this value so that VSys doesn't use assignments which are too far away.

How late can a check in be for an assignment

If a check in starts this far after an assignment should have started, VSys won't try to credit this record to that assignment.

How late can an assignment run beyond its scheduled end before requiring validation

Where VSys is crediting a check in against an assignment, for check in records that go this far past their assignment's end time, VSys will post the record as requiring validation so that you can manually verify it.

Allow record match based on job associations

If checked, and the volunteer has no matching assignments for an incoming record, VSys will look to active job associations to find the job to be credited.

All records require validation

If checked, records which would be matched against a job association will be posted as requiring validation.

Allow record match based on recent hours

If checked, and the volunteer has no matching assignments for an incoming record, VSys will look to recent hours records to find the job to be credited.

All records require validation

If checked, records which would be matched against a recent hours record will be posted as requiring validation.

See Also

Kronos Integration

Kronos Records Importing

Kronos Records Resolution