VSys One: Volunteer Management Software

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Eligibility Checklist Rules

For an eligibility checklist to be considered "Completed", all of the rules for that checklist must be met and the person must meet the requirements of that checklist (Groups, Person types, etc.) If a person's properties change, for example her Volunteer type no longer matches the requirements of the eligibility checklist, her checklist's status will come up as "Ineligible".


An assignment-based rule requires that the person have one or more qualifying assignments based on the conditions you define. Note that recurring assignment rules won't match the filters here, only the actual detail assignments generated by that recurring assignment rule can match. Filters:


A certification-based rule requires that the person have one or more qualifying certifications based on the conditions you define. Filters available are Date and Expiration date (you'll almost certainly want to use relative dates here).

Special rules for certifications:

Application forms

Requires that the person have one or more application forms of the type that you specify. Filters are:


Requires one or more interviews of the selected type. Filters are:

Job associations

Only available if job associations are enabled; requires one or more job associations meeting your filters:

Special rules for job associations:


Requires one or more trainings in the selected subject meeting your filters:

Special rules for trainings:

Complex rules

A complex rule lets you require some number of the basic rules be met, but not necessarily all of them. For example you can require that a volunteer have an initial screen testing or a background reference check but not necessarily both.

See Also

Eligibility Checklist Setup