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VSys Live CSS and JavaScript Options

CSS and JavaScript options each define a CSS and JavaScript text that can be used on any VSys Live sites. Multiple options can be defined, allowing different sites using the same VSys database to look and feel differently. Each setting here can contain five properties:


CSS text that's inserted within a <STYLE> element in each generated page.


JavaScript that's inserted within a <SCRIPT> element in each generated page.

Raw text in HTML header

Raw text that's included in each page before most other content.


Zero or more files that you've embedded as part of these settings, and which can be referenced by your content.


Toggles the visibility of this item on VSys Live.

In this example we're including a link to the file /download/spirelle.css within each page. Using this mechanism allows the end-user's browser to cache the CSS rather than reloading it every time a page is displayed.

The actual embedded files ("assets") can be seen below. Add new assets by right-clicking on the list and selecting Add. To get the path to an asset, for example to include in the Raw text... above, right-click and select Get file path; this will copy the path to the Windows clipboard.

See Also

VSys Live Global Settings

VSys Live Job Time Periods

VSys Live Login Settings

VSys Live Mobile Browser Rules

VSys Live System-wide Downloadable Files

VSys Live System-wide Images

VSys Live System-wide Static HTML Blocks