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VSys Live Mobile Browser Rules

Individual items on VSys Live pages can show or hide themselves based on whether the browser in use is a mobile one or not. This allows you to, for example, simplify a page intended for a mobile browser by hiding extraneous graphics, Facebook links, and other content. VSys Live uses the "User-agent" string sent by every browser to determine if that browser is running on a mobile device or not. The rules for this aren't hard-coded into VSys Live: instead, you can define your own rules and override the built-in ones.

What VSys Live does here is:

  1. Looks at this list in order, with the lowest-numbered item coming first ("Android" in the example above).
  2. Compares each item's Comparison to the "User-agent" value sent by the browser.
  3. When it finds a match, it looks at the Result field and stops searching.

(The Description field is only for your purposes; VSys doesn't look at that itself.)

In the example above, we're considering anything that has "android", "webos", "funky", "iphone", "blackberry" or "windows phone" to be mobile, but not "ipad" since its display is usually more than big enough to show the site's full content.

Comparison is actually a regular expression. For most purposes here you can just use simple text, but you can also get very creative if you want to.

See Also

VSys Live Global Settings

VSys Live CSS and JavaScript Options

VSys Live Job Time Periods

VSys Live Login Settings

VSys Live System-wide Downloadable Files

VSys Live System-wide Images

VSys Live System-wide Static HTML Blocks