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Exporting and Importing Tool Profiles

It's common practice to set up tool profiles in your first conversion data before getting or working with your final data, or to do so in a test environment. Re-establishing those tool profiles in the final conversion or in the production database would be time-consuming. VSys offers the ability to export your tool profiles from one database and then import them into another. To do this,

  1. In your current database (the one that contains the tool profiles you want to keep), click on Export tool profiles from within the tool profile setup tool.
  2. Name that file something appropriate, and save it to a folder that you can access later. VSys creates a .vzip file here.
  3. In the new database (the one whose settings you're going to replace with those from the previous database), click on Import tool profiles from within the tool profile setup tool.
  4. Select the file saved earlier. VSys will prompt you to accept this file.

Import notes

See Also

Tool Profiles

Tool Profile

Tool Profile Item Configuration

Using Tool Profiles

Tool Profiles in VSys Lite

Tool Profile Security Settings

Tool Profiles from the Command Line