VSys One: Volunteer Management Software

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Tool Profiles

VSys One's developers built the VSys One home screen in a way that is hopefully intuitive and useful for everyone. It looks the same all the time: same tools, same panels, same arrangements. (Tools which are disabled or not permitted by VSys Security don't display.) Want to change how VSys looks? Maybe define more than one layout for different groups of users? That's what tool profiles are for.

Enable tool profiles from the Feature enabling panel in System preferences and feature enabling. Then define one or more tool profiles on the Setup panel using the Tool profiles link.

If VSys Lite is enabled then tool profiles are enabled with it and can't be turned off.

In This Section

Tool Profile

Exporting and Importing Tool Profiles

Tool Profile Item Configuration

Using Tool Profiles

Tool Profiles in VSys Lite

Tool Profile Security Settings

Tool Profiles from the Command Line