VSys One: Volunteer Management Software

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Job Slots

A job slot is an opening for one or more volunteers to perform a job at a particular time and place. While a job is a description of the task, it doesn't specify where, when, and how many volunteers are needed: job slots do that. If you have a master calendar of jobs that need to be filled you will want to use job slots.

Define job slots globally or within your projects to show where and when you need volunteers, and what you need them to do.

Before you begin

First set up your jobs and job groups. Every job slot is associated with a job, so you can't define the job slots until the jobs are created. You can define your job slots in several places:

In This Section

Job Slots and Assignments Into Them

Create Job Slots

Job Slot Properties

Extending Recurring Slots in Bulk

Job Slot Assignments

See Also

Jobs, Slots, Assignments and Associations

Jobs and Job Groups

Job Assignments

Non-Slot Assignments

Recurring Assignments

Job Associations

Jobs/Slots Calendar Tool

View/Edit Job Assignments

Finding Job Opportunities

Cancelling Assignments

Job Switch Tool